Saturday, August 23, 2008


Why is it that people want to try and tell you how to raise your kid or point out everything they think you're doing wrong? You've never raised MY child before. How do you know what's best for them? Once people hear I am still breast feeding they find it necessary to ask how long I plan on continuing. Why? Do they really care? I was told I NEED to quit breast feeding by someone I barely know. OK! I'll get right on that...NOT! Ughh...I don't even know how to explain how I feel about this. Can someone please show me the manual on How to raise children and then point out where it says exactly how long they should be breast fed for. Maybe then I'll take what you have to say into consideration. No. Probably not. This lady told me that by 1 year a kid should not be on the boob or have a bottle (right after she popped a pacifier into her grandchild's mouth, who is a little over a year.). I proceeded to tell her that the American Medical Association recommends breast-feeding for 2 years. She said, "they must not have any kids". Pahaha! Okay lady! I didn't know what to say or do. I try to make sure I surround myself with friends who have the same beliefs or good friends who support my decisions even though they may not make the same decisions. This time I was alone and had no one to back me up. I don't know all the facts but I do know this- when I nurse Brianna it just feels natural. It seems right to me. I know that I still lactate and my daughter still wants milk. It's a no brainer for me. Just because you do not agree does not mean you are right. It's your opinion.... you have no scientific data to back it up. Therefore, it means nothing to me. My boobs did not magically "dry up" once Brianna turned one indicating it was time to stop. This is what works for me and my daughter. I understand and respect some people choose not to breast-feed. I don't understand why they would choose not to, but I respect them. I have a lot of friends with children who chose not to breast-feed or chose to put a limit on how long they breast fed for. I don't think any less of them. They are still great parents. All I'm saying is....Don't be a hater!


Red said...

Did you female dog slap her? Pffft, don't get me started. Mine were not fully potty trained until 3, and I got flack for that. But I still did what I wanted to do.

You could have politely, but with a hint of sarcasm, asked where she got her expierence/degree in greastfeeding from. That usually makes them clam up. "Do you work for LaLeche League" And you know straight up, she is not going to be able to step up to the plate.

This is how I see it and I tell so many poeple this. I do not go inot tyour home and tell you how to make your potato salad. And your way is not wrong, for it works for you. But we make our potato salad different, becasue it works for us. It is not right nor just is.

Live and let live I say.

*Sorry I ranted for the first time*

Ann Marie said...

Let other people's ideas remain just that - other people's. You are a strong, confident mama who knows whats best for her baby. Don't even let people's comments make you feel mad. Just repect them for their ignorance and leave it there. You know what you're doing, don't let anyone make you question it or feel like you have to prove or justify it to them. Let their "hate" stay with them - don't let it seep onto you... yuck. AND... smile! You have a happy, healthy, smart, little boobie girl and THAT is whats important. Rock on, Trish!

Trish Chibas said...

Red, No. I didn't bitch slap her. Hahaha! Shoulda! I just don't know why it's so hard for people to realize that everyone parents their children differently and THATS OKAY! That's the way it's suppose to be. I bet your potato salad is great! wink wink! *Rant on*

Ann Marie, thanks for the encouraging words. I know we've had this conversation before about feeling like we have to defend ourselves. I shouldn't even care. Sometimes they get to ya though. But now I'm over it.

Fun Mama - Deanna said...

I found your blog through Permission to Mother. I wanted to let you know that I agree with you on breastfeeding (my 19 month old still breastfeeds and I see no sign of stopping anytime soon). The World Health Organization reccomends breastfeeding until age 2 also. If you're not familiar with it, also has a lot of information available too. I've heard of people printing up cards with breastfeeding facts to give to people when they come across such ignorance. Good luck and stay strong in your beliefs!