Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Bad day for Brianna

Today was another boing day thanks to Fay. Last night was probably the worst of the storm. It sounded like our house was taking a beating. I'm glad Philipe was home because I probably would have been curled up in the corner with Brianna if he were at the station. I'm such a weenie when it comes to storms. This morning I went to let the dogs out and realized our fence was knocked over on one side. Just great!

Around 11:00 I decided to go to my cousins to get me and Brianna out of the house. Brianna didn't sleep very well last night (not like she ever does, but last night was horrible) so she was really crabby. She wouldn't eat lunch and around 12:30 she decided to have a temper tantrum like I have never seen before. I really thought something was wrong with her. I tried everything. I tried nursing her. She wouldn't have it. She would just arch her back and scream. I tried taking her outside for fresh air. She went crazy. She kept throwing herself backwards and screaming. I thought for sure if I put her in the truck and drove around she would calm down and fall asleep. I pulled out of the driveway and she started gagging. I freaked. I grabbed her, ran inside and told my cousin we should call 911. I took off all her clothes and made sure nothing was biting her and checked her little body from head to toe. I couldn't see anything. My cousin even got a little freaked and told me to, "put her on the boob". I tried again..... nope. I thought for sure she had some kind of internal damage going on, until,...... my cousins little chihuahua ran out and jumped on the couch. Brianna went from screaming bloody murder to smiling and signing dog. Grrrr....I couldn't believe it! It was just a temper tantrum. She really fooled me. I was really about to call 911. I am not looking forward to the terrible 2's at all. If this was a glimpse of what it might be like, Lord help me. Once we chased the dog around for a while and Brianna was calm enough I put her in the truck and we headed home. She starting singing and laughing hysterically for about 5 minutes. Then she passed out. She's still napping. I hope I never have to see that side of her again. 


Christy said...

At least she was signing :) I know, not funny ...

Trish Chibas said...

Hahaha! I guess that's a good way to look at it.

Jen said...

Welcome to my world (at least some of the time). Apparently I have been reading that the terrible two's are actually the terrible 1 1/2's and it is no fun but only part of the time. Luke has mastered the temper tantrum and I am mastering my zen-ness and breathing when they are happening. I think though the worst part of this whole terrible twos thing isn't the tantrums as much as the total disregard for when I tell him no. No to him means until you pin me down like a WWF wrestler I will keep doing what I am doing and with gusto. AAHHH. But in between it all they are still cushy and cuddly.

Brittany! said...

Goodness. I think Layla has a tantrum everyday! Poor thing you! You were going to call 911...I usually call my mom and cry I am such a wimp. Look out for the terrible 2's we will be in for a real treat I am sure because we have spoiled these little girls :)