Monday, July 21, 2008

Sign away!

As most of you know, we've been trying to teach Brianna sign language. The whole point behind this is that it reduces the frustration a child feels by not  being able to communicate what they want or need. We thought it was a great idea but Brianna is learning to talk so quickly it kind of defeats the purpose. Oh well! At least she'll learn some of another language. When we told people we were going to teach Brianna sign language we got a lot of criticism. For some reason, some thought it would delay her speaking. Wrong! Anyhow, Brianna finally started signing. She's been signing 'milk' for a while now but today she signed signs she's never signed before like a pro. (Try saying that sentence 3 times fast.) She walks up to Dixie (our bird) and says bird while signing it at the same time. All day today she kept patting her belly. I had no idea what she was doing. Then, while I was giving her a bath, Bruizer (dog) started going nuts barking and Brianna looked at me and her eyes got real big and she started patting her belly. It all made sense! The actual sign for dog is to pat your leg and then snap . Close enough for me! When I fed her dinner tonight she signed 'more' 3 times. Then she just sat there staring at me. I asked her if she wanted more and she said, "na", turned her head and signed 'all done'! I couldn't believe my eyes! My child is a genius. I still have to get her singing twinkle twinkle little star on video. She sings "up above da"...then we have to finish the song. She makes me so happy! Ugh, I wish I could bottle these feelings up and save them forever!

Brianna's getting much better at swimming. She kicks her feat like a maniac, goes under water like a fish, and floats on her back without my hand under her for a few seconds. I think she might be able to swim by the end of the summer. She's always smiling when she's in the pool. She loves the water. It's in her blood! I started going into labor in Philipe's parents pool so it's only natural that she enjoys it so much.

Yesterday, we went out on Philipe's parents boat. Brianna loved it, as to be expected. We got some really cute pictures  but they're on Deanna's (MIL) camera so as soon as I get them I will post them. 


Anonymous said...

WoW! Sounds like I have an adventure to look forward to with my little one, Alex, 7 months. We've been signing with him for a few months now and so does his daycare, I can't wait till he starts signing back! :)

Trish Chibas said...'s the greatest reward there is! I really didn't think the day would ever come! Stick with it.

Ann Marie said...

She is a little genius! Babies really are like sponges. They are sneaky little things soaking up all that goes on around them -sometimes when we don't even realize it.

Lauren said...

Brianna never ceases to amaze me! Mike loves to hear what she's doing these days. :)

Denise Punger MD IBCLC said...

I LOVE how you express your motherly love.