Monday is my home visit with Alana, my midwife. I can't wait! It makes it all seem so real. Not that the baby constantly kicking me in my ribs and the fact that I can't catch a good breath isn't a constant reminder. But, this home visit is definitely kicking my butt into gear to get everything ready. We're pretty much ready for this baby's arrival. I got my birth kit the other day. So exciting! I ordered this cute little shirt too. Watch this baby come out a boy. grrrr....
The only other stuff I have to get is those huge maxi pads for afterwards and a 4 oz. bottle of olive oil.
My dad is here this weekend working hard to get this bathroom ready for me. He's says he should be done by Monday. i wish the tile was all that needed to be finished. The contractor still has to come back to fix a bunch of stuff. Then, Philipe has to paint it. The tub is there so I really shouldn't complain but I was really hoping the bathroom would give me a sense of relaxation. I don't think that's going to happen. Oh well! As long as I have a healthy baby, I'll be happy.
The goats are gone and, surprisingly, I'm not sad. I made myself stop going out there to un-fall in love with them. My dogs are still not here though. I keep telling Philipe we need to go get them and he keeps giving me excuses that the area is not ready yet.
We got a bedroom set the other day. It's getting delivered today. I'm not sure if I'll be here when it gets delivered. The ladies from my mommy group are throwing me a diaper shower (since I don't need anything but baby diapers). I can't wait! I'm sure it's going to be fun. I love my mommies!!! I know I've said it before but I'll say it again... I've got the best friends in the whole world. I'll have to post some pics later, along with pictures of my bedroom set and my bathroom.
Oh... I got my composting bin from Sam's. $4o.00! Can't beat that! I never realized how much stuff we would normally throw away that could be put back into the Earth. Philipe's been awesome about making sure stuff that needs to be composted gets put in the pile.
Bri has been going through something crazy lately. She's been tons of fun and we're really enjoying this age, but these tantrums are horrible! We can usually expect at least one a day. She's become quite the daddy's girl lately too. Like she prefers him over me. Breaks my heart! Maybe it's because I'm not as fun anymore. I can't move as quick as usual and I'm extremely tired all the time. She must sense that. Plus, I think Philipe has taken pity on me and has kicked it up a notch with helping out with Bri. He takes her outside a lot and they clean up the yard and she helps him with the fence. They go for rides on the Rhino and have tons of fun! It takes me 30 minutes to put my shoes on. LOL! Of course she wants to be with him.